Email Address

Phone Numbers

+353 89 435 0006

Physical Address​

Cabra East, Dublin 7, Ireland

SCT-1200 Dead Livestock Dryer


Daily Capacity : 1,200kg/day (2 x 600 kgs)
Function : Drying/Reducing/Deodorizing/Sterilizing
Reduction (Weight & volume) : 85%~95%
Dimension : 3,500 * 2,050 * 2,240mm
Weight :6,500kg


Advantages of SCT-Dead Livestock /Bones waste Dryer:
  1. Easy to operate / No Stationary Operator Required
  2. Economic operation + Low Operation Costs
  3. De-Odorizing & Sterilizing
  4. No smoke
  5. Pathogen Destruction
  6. Easy and Economic Maintenance
  7. Stainless Steel

Possible To Treat.

All Dead Livestock (Pig, Chicken, Duck, Sheep etc.)